Web Services

We provide our data to customers who want to use it in their own applications. These services enable manual or automated machine-to-machine data, model, and product retrievals. Data can be downloaded in multiple formats, such as CSV, XML, KML, NetCDF, JSON, TXT, and DODS.

To prevent numerous large data requests slowing data access through the internet services; all internet data services have limits on the amount of data which can be retrieved per request. These limits are based on the interval of data requested.

  • 6-Minute Interval data is limited to 1 month of data
  • Hourly Interval data is limited to 1 year of data
  • High/Low data is limited to 1 year of data
  • Monthly Means data is limited to 200 years

Featured Services

CO-OPS API Builder API Application Data Retrieval
  • Navigate, build, and submit URLs to query station listings, observations, predictions and derived products using various CO-OPS APIs (Data API, Metadata API and Derived Product API)
  • Output format: XML, JSON, dependant on selected API
CO-OPS Data API API Webpage
  • Documentation helping users retrieve past and present observations and predictions from CO-OPS Stations
  • Retrieves data from products unique to a specific station including water level, visibility, air temperature, predictions, datums, and more
  • Output format: CSV, XML, JSON
CO-OPS Metadata API (MDAPI) API Webpage
  • Documentation helping users retrieve associated metadata from CO-OPS stations
  • Retrieves data such as station location, datums, harmonic constituents, built-in sensors, tide predictions, flood levels and other station details
  • Output format: XML, JSON
CO-OPS Derived Product API (DPAPI) API Webpage
  • Documentation helping users retrieve information about CO-OPS' derived products
  • Products included are top ten water levels, yearly inundation statistics, extreme water levels, and sea level trends
  • Output format: XML, JSON
GIS Data Portal Webpage
  • Provides public access to CO-OPS stations and derived data products in the form of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) services
  • Output format: Shapefiles, WMS, WFS, JSON, KML

Other Services

  • Thematic Real-time Environmental Distributed Data Services (THREDDS) allows users to access and download data sets such as NetCDF Operational Forecast System (OFS) data and its sub-samples in ASCII and Binary formats through OPeNDAP protocol
  • Output format: NetCDF, ASCII, and other formats
Amazon Web Services Data Retrieval Webpage
  • Access Operational Forecast System Data on Amazon Web Services (AWS) stored in an Amazon S3 bucket.
  • Output format: NetCDF
  • Retrieval methods: Panoply, ncdump, and other tools are also available.
ERDDAP Application Data Retrieval Server
  • Environmental Research Division's Data Access Program (ERDAPP) allows users to make graphs, maps, and download subsets of scientific datasets
  • Provides Data Access Forms (webpages) which help users create open-source project for OPeNDAP (open-source project for a network data access protocol) compliant request
  • Output format: HTML, CSV, json, NetCDF, etc.
SOAP Web Services Data Retrieval Webpage
  • Offers different SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) web services that contains sample requests, sample responses and sample Java Client code
  • Users can seamlessly connect to the services and to retrieve the data of interest.
  • Output format: XML, HTML, TXT
Stations Listing Application Webpage
  • Retrieves a list of active National Water Level Observation Network (NWLON) stations
  • Provides viewable and downloadable station metadata, listing sensors and data in real-time
  • Output format: XML, HTML, TXT
SOS Application Data Retrieval
  • Provides data retrieval of the latest observations, time series, and historical data in multiple data formats. Data can be requested for a single station and for a "collection" of stations
  • Output format: CSV, TSV, XML and KML
NowCOAST Webpage
  • A web mapping portal providing spatially referenced links to real-time coastal observations and NOAA forecasts of interest to the marine community
Web Services image.